Papa Duck's Tour de France

Welcome to the blog of Papa Duck's Tour de France! Papa Duck has taught his kids to love France and look forward to going there someday with him. For some of us, that day has finally arrived.

As lovers of all things French, we have studied the language, met French people and watched the Tour de France. Now, we are going on our own Tour de France. Some of us will attempt to ride the Tourmelet and the Alp d'Huez. Others of us will merely sample the local fare and stroll down cobblestone streets.

Here is a record of our adventure!

By Person

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Oh La La...Paris!

The Eiffel tower at midnight with sparkling strobe lights!
The Louvre--most famous museum in the entire world-- where we see the Mona Lisa, along with HUNDREDS of other paintings and sculptures
The Pompidou--THE modern art museum featuring Dali, Picasso, Chagal, and other art big wigs!  Although we didn't find the smashed piano, we did the a darling video exhibit of children who were viewing A Weeping Woman by Picasso.  These little British children were to die for!
Notre Dame--Cathedral in the middle of the Seine river on a little island.
The Arch de Triumph--unfortunatley we couldn't climb it due to a strike.
And our favorite: The Music Museum--the history of musical intsruments and examples of all of them including the 6 inch violins 9called pocket violins) and a 13 foot bass!!!
Riding the metro
Eating street food

So much to say, so little time.

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